Thursday 15 October 2015

(Comic) Fist of Iron, Soul of Platinum...a look at Iron Fist: Rage

While I do have recommendations to get to, (and I will get to them!) the past fortnight has consisted of me devouring Sam Alexander - Nova, Guardians of the Galaxy and X-23. More importantly, after seeing the video by the Comicstorian (You can see the video here: I was compelled to read it too. 

Daniel Rand is being interviewed by a journalist named Brenda who wants to know the story of how he got his powers. We see the story through a series of flashbacks, before we learn that ninjas have broken into Danny's penthouse. 

After fighting off the ninjas, Danny and Brenda come across a little girl with a massive backpack. It turns out the ninjas were looking for her. 

This story is intense and you don't always feel as though you know what's going on. Even though you know who the bad guy is, you still feel there's an element of mystery to it. 

The dialogue jumps from prose-y, to humorous to something that reminds me of Short Round from Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom. Unsure if it could be classed as racist or not, but then if I have to question it, it's probably the case. 

The art style feels gritty and intense that are reminiscent of the brush strokes in Okami. It feels as though I'm looking at stills of an anime or something, which I find fascinating to look at. 

Overall, I enjoyed the story, but the dialogue left a lot to be desired. 

I'm going to give it three and a half stars.

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